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Post in Geekstuff.
Get a feel for your habits: $ for x in *; do file $x; done | grep JPEG | sed 's/://' | awk '{ printf("<img src=\"file:///home/dave/.mozilla/dave/2n6h694q.slt/Cache/%s\">\n", $1); }' > ~/test.html
Mon Jul 05, 2004 02:51 EDT
Size of OpenBSD in GB, every sixth months: 3.0, 4.5, 6.9, 11.8, 14.0, 11.0, 14.5
Fri Jun 04, 2004 00:47 EDT
This is the most retarded 'advisory' I've ever seen. There were half a dozen Visual Basic programs out there that exploited this by the mid 90s, and it's never been considered an issue of any severity. This is not news!! [
Wed Apr 21, 2004 01:26 EDT
Sun Apr 18, 2004 20:38 EDT
If they are, then our Universe is curved like a Pringle, shaped like a horn, and named after a Star Trek character. You could not make it up. [
Thu Apr 15, 2004 10:34 EDT
The most useful fast-access information tool I've discovered lately is a Wikipedia shortcut in Mozilla. File a bookmark with location "" and keyword "w". Then you can jump to any Wikipedia article by typing "w articlename" in the URL bar. It even works with spaces.
Tue Mar 30, 2004 02:13 EST
Remember -more-?! But I thought "Blessed [are the forgetful] for they get the better even of their blunders"... [
Sat Mar 27, 2004 20:48 EST
Benzene, Lubricants, and AIDS [
Fri Mar 26, 2004 17:10 EST
i'm a total cyber pimp. i just went to this interview for a tech job and the guy didnt even bother asking me technical questions. im just that badass.
Thu Mar 25, 2004 14:47 EST
dennis, that article about space being bluish was debunked. it's actually a boring beige color. just like my soul.
Mon Mar 22, 2004 20:18 EST
The color of the universe is pale turquoise. [
Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:48 EST
A 30 meter asteroid is going to pass by the Earth this afternoon at a distance of 26,500 miles. [
Thu Mar 18, 2004 14:38 EST
Most useful word of 2003 according to American Dialect Society: "Flexitarian" [
Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:48 EST
I can't find enough information on how to create a bootable OpenBSD floppy system which loads into a ramdisk. Poor me. Anyone knows more? Thanks.
Wed Mar 17, 2004 17:31 EST
so some enthusiasts over at almost have the ipaq h22xx port working -- well enough for my involvement anyways. *sigh* is it really time for a new palmtop already? [
Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:46 EST
brown santa woke me up this morning and brought an oscilloscope!!!! [
Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:15 EST
star trek is so gay [
Fri Mar 12, 2004 02:10 EST
uhm, 42 seconds... I RULE [
Tue Mar 09, 2004 19:54 EST
Lasted 31 seconds! You suck, dave. [
Tue Mar 09, 2004 16:22 EST
3-column layout. Love it, learn it, live it. [
Mon Mar 08, 2004 13:32 EST
Now on the internet the company that brought you low-cost PCB fabs will sell you a truly sexy system on a chip (an ARM on a "DIL40" package, just like an 8051!) [
Sun Mar 07, 2004 13:08 EST
Most important formatting tip: identical categories of info should start at identical parts of the page. Right now only username works this way: text and timestamp all run together.
Sun Mar 07, 2004 05:39 EST
This formatting sucks. Not very readable at all. Most attention is drawn to the username of the poster which is not significant. Long, thin rows tend to blend with one another when scanning the page. Suggestions: One column per topic; text in a colored box, meta-info in smaller font outside box.
Sun Mar 07, 2004 05:37 EST
The "Geekstuff" category is for articles relating to technology, like commentary on a new software release or the SCO trial.
Sun Mar 07, 2004 00:46 EST
i finally got my god damned radeon card working in linux. fucking proprietary bullshit. also my nforce2 ethernet/sound are barely working with 2.6. linux sucks and so do proprietary driver vendors
Sat Mar 06, 2004 18:45 EST
Awesome game. See if you can get to 30 seconds. :P [
Thu Mar 04, 2004 23:24 EST
get back to work, you
Mon Mar 01, 2004 18:22 EST
what's geekier than a test post
Mon Mar 01, 2004 17:54 EST
shortjournal - Thu Sep 19 08:01:30 2024
EST - 16 ms used