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I have a new blog, greg... Police Download Report, police brutality and shootings and all that kind of news. [
Tue Dec 05, 2006 14:37 EST
some internet geek has decided to document every bowel movement until goes off the air next marc. wow! there's everything on the internet! [
Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:17 EST
Wed Aug 11, 2004 13:02 EDT
We all believe in freedom. But we want the government to rule this country with an iron hand. [
Tue Jul 06, 2004 22:13 EDT
WTF? Also apparently shortjournal is really intermediately short journal, as each post must be at least 10 characters in length. Compensating for something, Greg? [
Mon Jul 05, 2004 00:56 EDT
An Iranian newspaper has reported the controversial story of a woman who claims to have given birth to a frog. [
Mon Jun 28, 2004 17:35 EDT
A petition has been filed by the Oklahoma Attorney General to remove an Oklahoma judge for "pleasuring himself" on the bench, through the use of a "male enhancement pump." [
Thu Jun 24, 2004 13:55 EDT
"Get the fuck out." [
Wed Jun 16, 2004 18:47 EDT
Affirmation of stereotypes is often amusing. [
Tue Jun 15, 2004 19:30 EDT
Mr Powell has increased the pressure on Opposition leader Mark Latham to reverse Labor's Christmas troop withdrawal deadline, particularly after this week's United Nation's resolution to formally end the occupation of Iraq at the end of this month. Orwell off by 20 years.
Thu Jun 10, 2004 08:11 EDT
Little deformed girl gets a knife pulled on her and her hair set on fire, and the Denver school she goes to expelled her and didn't punish the bully. Public school rules! [
Thu May 27, 2004 11:47 EDT
There's something seriously wrong with the press in this country when a paper can write a story and headline it "U.S. Emphasizes Intent to Transfer Full Power to Iraqis -- With Limits".. and not even acknowledge the contradiction. Freedom is slavery, folks. [
Wed May 26, 2004 13:40 EDT
"It's extremely difficult to govern when you control all three branches of government," says [House majority leader Dennis] Hastert spokesman John Feehery. [
Mon May 24, 2004 18:01 EDT
Republicans outsource fundraising: According to reports, for 14 months between May 16, 2002, and July 22, 2003, HCL eServe had more than 100 agents working in seven teams soliciting financial contributions for the Republican Party. [
Sat May 22, 2004 20:41 EDT
The US is quickly becoming one of the least free nations ever... [
Thu May 20, 2004 05:25 EDT
Terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi recently made headlines again by releasing of a video of an American being executed. Bush had an opportunity to strike his base in Iraq in 2002, but passed it up, because showing we had the ability to strike terrorists in Iraq would have weakened the case for the war. [
Sat May 15, 2004 20:18 EDT
Presumptive Democratic nominee John F. Kerry on Friday collected the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, a police union that backed President Bush in the 2000 election. [
Sat May 15, 2004 13:54 EDT
shortjournal - Sat Feb 15 04:26:45 2025
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