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Newest 50 articles by psychopath. Click here to view newest 500 articles.

Goodbye everyone...
Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:52 EDT
Juhuu! Today my paket from digikey arrived. So I have this STK500 (Atmel AVR starter kit). Now I only need some free desk space to play around with it. [link]
Wed Jun 09, 2004 14:20 EDT
Thank you neil for your links. I quite like most of them. Please continue. Regards!
Thu May 27, 2004 20:41 EDT
Congratulations martin. Tomorrow youth group's sports day. That means getting up early. Eeeeww. [link]
Wed May 19, 2004 18:52 EDT
Prost! Maybe I'll get drunk today.
Sun May 16, 2004 19:33 EDT