uControl -
http://gnufoo.org/ucontrol/ - GPL
allows you to remap capslock to control. also gives you the ability to
do Fn+trackpad as a virtual scroll wheel function.
Monolingual -
free 600MB+ by deleting support for languages and input methods that
you know you will never use.
StarfishX -
http://homepage.mac.com/mscott/starfishx/starfishx.html - GPL
generates interesting background patterns.
ShadowKiller -
http://www.unsanity.com/haxies/shadowkiller/ - freeware
removes the shadows around windows, can speed up the interface.
Text Extras - http://www.lorax.com/FreeStuff/TextExtras.html - but it supposes to give all Cocoa-based apps emacs-like keybindings in input dialogs, and access to several internal features.
opensource screen savers -
http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/WBSoftware.html - open source
a bunch of screensavers. the SaveHollywood screen saver is interesting
because it can display a flash animation or quicktime movie. which can
be useful for product demonstrations or a mac-based kiosk.
Onyx -
http://www.titanium.free.fr/english.html - freeware
lets you control many internal features (mostly gui features) of OSX.
Growl -
gives applications that support it a configurable way to provide alerts
(instead of having bouncing icons in the dock)
FullScreen Player -
lets you watch quicktime movies full screen without buying the full
version of quicktime ($12 shareware). you could probably spend a couple
hours looking at the source to SaveHollywood screen saver and write your
own thing that does the same.
TemperatureMonitor -
http://www.bresink.com/osx/TemperatureMonitor.html - (shareware?)
watch the temp of your Mac. g3/g4 can only watch the harddrive temp. g5
has an on-die cpu temp and case temp as well.
Fink - http://fink.sourceforge.net/ debian-like package installer for various opensource apps.
Darwin ports -
freebsd-like package installer for various opensource apps.
MPlayerOSX - http://mplayerosx.sourceforge.net/ the #1 video player on Linux comes to OSX. With the interesting ability to play movies in place of the desktop wallpaper. Note that burried within the .app directory there is a normal mplayer binary that you can symlink to and use in the traditional Unix way.
divx codec for quicktime - http://www.divx.com/divx/mac/
xvid codec for quicktime -
http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~naegelic/download/ - open source
a video codec for mpeg4
ffmpegx -
convert between video/audio formats
Mac OS X speed FAQ - http://www.macmaps.com/Macosxspeed.html
SharePoints -
allows much more customized control over the samba configuration in
OSX. share directories other than Public/ folders
AquaLess -
less/more pager in a gui
XNMap -
nmap in cocoa. a bit more powerful than the "Port Scan" tab in
zipdrop -
the best way to create ZIP files in OSX (opensource)
OSXvnc -
vnc server for OSX. this company sells an interesting gui testing
product that uses vnc to test Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.
Freecell -
http://wasters.org/freecell/ - open source
finally the last reason to use MS Windows has been removed.
MacOS X Hints -
A hodgepodge collection of articles covering almost every issue you
have ever had with your Macintosh.
wClock -
http://www.wolfware.com/wClock.html - freeware
A nice simple menubar clock application that is substantially less
braindead than Apple's.