Now that I'm an adult and have money, I find I have a hard time getting excited about consumerism. But Temu captured my imagination. It is somehow like the feeling of when Walmart opened in your hometown. I have been trying to extract the maximum amount of consumerist glee out of this obviously ill-fated relationship.
The interesting thing here is that it's a shadow of the market we know and love. Everything here has already been replaced with low-quality / low-price Chinese goods, and often to our detriment. But it takes on a different tenor when it is all laid bare. Amazon is plagued by fake reviews -- Temu reviews are simply fake. Amazon is plagued by fake products -- Temu products are knockoffs. You never at any point feel like you're paying extra for basic QA performed by some brand-preserving importer. And so on.
Wife is unable to get into the spirit of this thing.
watch. I ordered a $2.39 "Geneva" wrist watch because I kind of want a Timex but I know I will hate the feeling of wearing a watch, so this ridiculous price point is a good compromise. I bought a $10ish pocket watch at Walmart back in 2001, and within a month its dots had fallen off of it (so it was a blank watch face without hour markers). I figure this can't be lower quality than that.
pajamas. I ordered $13.13 pajamas for my 10yo, because he asked for pajamas and I saw them on Temu. I could not figure out the sizing chart so I simply got "9-10yo" size.
tablet. I ordered $61.59 PRITOM 8 inch Android tablet "8GB". I hate cheapest Android tablets but my branded "supported" Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 is such a fantastic piece of crap that I figure it can't get any worse..if I'm already thinking about buying the newer Samsung, I certainly could not do worse than buying this garbage? Do you suppose it really has 8GB?
keyboard+monitor. I ordered $10.79 9" mini keyboard (TKL) and $33.99 7" VGA monitor. I have a basement server that I have long wanted to get an appropriate head for.
belt. I ordered $1.97 Nylon "tactical" belt, because I have 2 belts but want 3.
microsd. I ordered $2.48 16GB microSD. Do you think it will really be 16GB? I just needed a microSD card for a kid's toy and this seems about the right investment.
usb-microsd. I ordered $2.48 USB microSD interface. Each of my laptops' builtin microSD has a different infelicity so maybe this will avoid the trial and error?
My general feeling about their prices is that things are only much cheaper than a store like Walmart if they are very small. They seem to ship everything international air mail (which is insane!), so something you can pile a million of into a little box (like microSD cards) is cheap but something like clothing, they have to charge a more "normal" price simply to make up for the bulk it takes up in the cargo plane.
I received a notice that my first order is late so they are giving me $5 in store credit.
watch. My first shipment came. The watch is fine. Its hour marks will not fall off because they are obviously just printed and embossed on thin posterboard. Its only significant defect is that the hour hand rubs on the paper, which I don't know if it will impact its life hugely or not. It keeps good time (quartz). Its strap is weirdest thing I've ever seen. I thought "mesh" meant something like nylon webbing, but instead it is a very fine steel. I can't tell if it's woven (i.e., bending steel) or separate chain links. Its paint scratches extremely easily, and I suspect it will turn into splinterville soon enough. It's very very stiff until you bend it a few times, and then it's only very stiff. It's not very comfortable.
I had to take it off, because I convinced myself the metal band would destroy my sweater sleeve. I may use my $5 store credit towards a new 20mm strap! I found some 20mm webbing in the basement, and it is much much more comfortable, if I could figure out how to invent a clasp for it.
pajamas. 10yo likes his pajamas, though they are just barely big enough. They'll be too small soon. So it is.
bands. I don't know anything about watch bands so I ordered two: a $3.48 generic nylon watch band, which has the downside of holes at set sizes; and a $2.11 "elastic nylon" watch band, which comes with a little piece of metal I would want to use if I build my own?
chuck. I ordered $2.27 drill chuck with a hex drive. I have wanted a hand-driven drill for a long time and I am disappointed with the one I have. I am willing to enter the lottery again because I was frustrated searching for something like this on American sites some years ago.
ezlinktool. I ordered $1.59 bicycle chain tool for removing quick links (like needle nose pliers but with a funny tip to grip a single link of chain). I can always solve this problem with tools on hand but each time is a voyage of discovery. This may save me a little time and effort. I happen to have just needed it today.
bikelight. I ordered $2.79 rechargeable bicycle headlight. The one I have only lasts about half an hour anymore. This one seems very similar, and honestly I would be surprised if it is in any way lower quality. I am extremely distressed about the design quality of $30 bike lights purchased in the US. The LLM-generated reviews say the bike is much faster after buying this light.
knife. I ordered $1.25 utility knife because the box cutters that sit by my recycling pile are getting kind of sad.
camera. I ordered $8.28 "endoscope" USB camera with a 6' cable. This will go places I don't dare to try to slide my phone into.
usb-a-c. I ordered $2.11 USB C female to A male adaptor. I only have the other gender of this, but will obviously soon need this gender as well.
tablet. It is apparently 4GB. The extra 4GB "RAM extension" is apparently swap to flash -- hah hah. It seems fine? It seems like an extremely generic build of Android (not that I'd necessarily recognize a skin on Android 13). I'm curious now to know if it's bootloader-unlocked. It charges very slowly, but I doubt that will matter for my purposes.
monitor. This device has a distressingly strong plastic smell. Good thing it's going in the basement. It works fine on the first try -- just hooked up the provided HDMI cable to my PC, and the text just popped onto the screen. This is great -- I will be getting rid of a 20" CRT that is just sitting on the basement floor like a trip hazard!
keyboard. This one is a miss! When it said it was micro USB, I assumed it meant it had a micro USB device connector (female). The USB standard says that all hard-connected cables should have a male USB A connector and talk the low speed USB 1.1 standard. But this has a hard-connected cable with a male micro USB connector on it! Obviously this is intended to be used with cellphones, with "USB On-The-Go". I am optimistic that I may be able to solder a real USB cable to it??
belt. It might be a little beefier than I want. Its buckle is a novelty of molded plastic which is hard to adjust to the right tension, and which I suspect will not wear well. You know, even so, it might be perfect for the third pair of pants that isn't worn as often. *shrug*
microsd+usb-microsd. I accidentally ordered two of each of these? I tested one of them, and it passed my most preliminary test. Given the desired usage case, it seems unlikely I'll notice any problems?
monitor. I improved this by making the font bigger. I added
these lines:
[greg@stallion] ~$ grep FONT /etc/default/console-setup FONTFACE="Terminus" FONTSIZE="12x24"It's still not great. I think it is being output by the PC at 1024x768, and then resampled to 640x480 or something inside the monitor. Really I should try turning off kernel mode setting and then it would probably be fine in the default 640x480 VGA mode? But this is a low priority for me. Not worth rebooting for.
keyboard. I soldered a regular USB cable onto it. It worked on the first try. The keyboard is a piece of garbage, even for its size. It's almost big enough to touch type on but every detail is wrong. It's about what you expect out of no-name phone keyboards (I have bought at least 4 of them already?). I should have thought a little about the implications of "9-inch" before I bought it. But the old setup was much worse (!), so I guess I'm satisfied. It's really just checking the box of "a head that fits on top of a tower PC case". I only have to type maybe a dozen commands a year here when the thing doesn't boot clean after a power outage.
bands. The band that struck me as basically a "NATO band" (nylon, with two layers behind the watch) is better than the metal one, but it is still fairly uncomfortable. The 4 metal parts are too much bulk for me. And they are intrinsic to the NATO design so I think it's not a design defect of this strap. And also, it can either be slightly too tight or sligthly too loose. I think "slightly too tight" might be actually "just right" but I don't like it. Just like I knew I wouldn't.
The elastic band is great, I guess. It was easy to adjust to be exactly as snug as I want. It's definitely the most comfortable option. The thing is, I have to stretch it really hard to get it off. I feel like one way or the other, it will not last long. But my overall impression is that I'm not a watch-wearer. Just like I knew I wasn't.
chuck. This is smaller than I expected. I bought the one with unspecified size, because I couldn't figure out if that was bigger or smaller than the one specified to be 6.5mm. Anyways, this fits to about 3.5mm, or 1/8". It grips the bit securely, unlike the old Chinese bit brace I bought. Its purpose is obviously to use drill bits with impact drivers. A small bit like this, I can't drive manually without breaking it. And now that I can grip a bit with my brace, I can see that it is too misaligned to be used!
ezlinktool. I don't want to get greasey taking apart my bike, but I test-fit it and it seems to hold the link securely. I think it will be handy.
bikelight. It charged successfully. It is slightly smaller than I expected. The rubber band is flimsy even by the standards of the genre, and is in practice too flimsy for use! I need to 3D print a little bracket to adapt it to zip ties. Luckily, the rubber is held on with a screw so I should be able to just replace it and use that same screw. The light is bright enough, it shines a spot on the wall even at mid-day.
knife. The utility knife is exactly how I expected. It's one of the kinds with a disposable plastic body where you break the old blade off once it's dull, and advance a new one. I've never had one of these before but it feels like a more brittle grade of plastic than the other ones look like. I think it will be great for my cardboard recycling.
camera and usb-a-c. The USB-C adaptor works, but it turns out I don't need it for this camera because it has a complicated plug that fits USB-A, USB-C, and microUSB! Never saw anything like it before. I wouldn't be surprised if the plug breaks young. But the camera works fine. It's the same as any USB camera, except smaller and on the end of a semi-rigid wire. The light is controlled by a little knob so it doesn't take any special software. Definitely something I've wanted in the past, and will be handy to have around.
Something I like overall about Temu is that they are serious about minimizing packaging, since shipping is such a huge expense for them. Most products just come in a plastic bag, especially the ones that are single-digit numbers of dollars. And then the plastic bags are packed neatly into a larger plastic bag for shipping.
The lesson from the earlier orders is that it still pays to shop, to read the specs of the product you're buying. Hah hah.
melodica. $15.98 "FEIFAN" 32-key melodica (button harmonica). Pink. I got the one that didn't say "Soprano" in the description, but I'm sure it is anyways. I was inspired to go hunting for a tenor one, but even reputable vendors are cagey about their range and I am not doing that fight today.
thermal paste. $1.69 7g syringe of "GD900" thermal paste. Extremely sad story about what I got last time I bought thermal paste. Trying something new. 7g is a lot to me.
hacksaw. I like to occasionally buy a $2 hacksaw. But looking at the website, I learned I should be buying blades for the saws I have?? I ordered nothing.
mini vise. I wanted to buy a mini vise for my drill press, because in the past I have bought too large, and Temu wants to sell small. But I look and they want to sell me plastic. The dimensions are right but plastic. I ordered nothing.
blanket. $27.48 "Ultrasonic Embossed Solid Color Bedspread". queen. pink. I want to replace a 'bedspread' type of blanket. It seems like the sort of thing I'd buy locally but that means just like Target or Walmart? And their websites are super uninspiring. So I will buy this, even though I can't tell if it's double-sided. It says "reversible". I don't actually care, but it is disconcerting to have no idea what I'm buying. I wonder if "Ultrasonic Embossed" is the new stitching, or if it's garbage? The thing is, it's replacing a blanket of extraordinarily low quality which I have loved for 15 years. Short of stealing one from a hotel, what am I to do?
usb lithium charger. $2.11 5x micro USB to TP4056 board for charging lithium batteries. I used to use MAX1555s and an SOT-23 breakout board and a microUSB breakout board. But I'm down to the last MAX1555. So I was going to order more of those, but this I think is even better?
heat shrink. $2.11 560pcs heat shrink tube assortment. This looks like a big step up from my current collection. I really like that they're pre-cut, because the un-store-able long lengths of the small varieties of tube is my biggest complaint with the status quo.
cards. $1.68 plastic playing cards. My solitaire deck is old and warped. Plastic playing cards?!
superglue. $2.11 5x super glue. These separate tubes are handy. Increases the odds one isn't dried out.
bikelight. I 3D printed a little bracket to let me hold it to the handlebars with a zip tie and a little bit of innertube for friction. It is perfectly usable now. It is just a question of how long it will last, and whether it has decent battery life. I'm honestly not optimistic about battery life, because it weighs absolutely nothing.
melodica. Meets expectations! All the notes work and the intonation sounds good to my ears. It has a great characteristic melodica sound. It is comfortable to play with the rigid mouthpiece, and the keyboard has exactly the same feel as my accordion. Very intuitive to play -- I don't have to think about it, it is exactly like playing a wind instrument with an accordion keyboard! (duh) Comes with a bag. Has a range from half an octave below middle C to 2 octaves above it...which is just right IMO and the same as my accordion. My only concern is that there is no way to get moisture out of it, so I have no idea if the reeds will age well or not. But I think that just comes with the territory.
Only thing I don't like about the melodica is it has an awful plastic smell, which became an awful plastic flavor when I licked my lips. It reminds me specifically of when I've had to chew on polypropylene(?) rope to get a knot out. I will hang it in front of a fan and maybe it will air out some.
blanket. This blanket looks and feels exactly as I would have hoped. It is double sided, with some sort of non-stitched bonding between the front and back. It seems superficially like it is very flimsy, but so did the blanket it's replacing. I guess more than anything it reminds me of an airline blanket? So I am hoping it gives a long life.
thermal paste, heat shrink, usb lithium charger, superglue. These are all infrequently-used staples and I don't know when I might use them. They look as expected, so I'm optimistic. The TP4056 board has one surprise -- it has OUT+/- in addition to BAT+/-, making me wonder if it doesn't also have some sort of discharge protection? Overcurrent or undervoltage? It could even have a 5V boost regulator for all I know.
cards. These are just as I expected, and absolutely bizarre to behold. A lot of texture work -- they are fancy but even so the printing is kind of crappy? They're hard to pick up, they're so slippery. It is possible to shuffle and deal them. I guess. But the problem I had with my old cards is they were warped so they had only a single point of contact when laying flat, which made them want to wander and spin...these actually lay flat but are so slippery they have the same fault ten times over. I feel like I bought the ticket and the ride is just like I would have imagined!
It has the usual 52 cards plus 2 jokers. There is a 55th card that is very fancy and says "CERTIFICATE P E T Sophisticatedly handcraft with PET The glittering picture denotes the blessing of happiness and prosperity Each set of the playing cards comes with a certificate of ownership." FYI, PET is a 2L soda bottle.
I played (and lost) a game of solitaire with them, and it is really impressive how superlatively unpleasant they are. They are so slippery 90% of the time but sometimes they stick just when you don't want them to, so the accidental draw-2 is pretty common. The shuffle is easy but the bridge sends them flying. It is hard to simply hold onto a stack of them, and every move in solitaire risks sending the whole pile flying. It is hard to pick one of them up off the table, and if you try long enough you will injure your fingertip. It's hard to pick up a stack of them, or to pick up a partial stack of them. They use gold vs silver instead of red vs black, so it's not as distinct. Some of the cards have an obviously different surface finish so you could definitely learn to read them somewhat from the back side. And they are already scratching up from bits of grit that they attract I guess with their electrostatic nature and odd textures.
They are so completely the perfect embodiment of everything that made me skeptical of the idea in the first place. I definitely got what I ordered.
miniclock $1.19 I had the idea that when I give up on wearing the watch, I would just hang it up in one of the clockless parts of my house -- which is the only place where I really found it useful to look at the watch anyways. Well, I am not sure, but I think maybe I broke the watch? Anyways, I liked the idea of having a clock at my bicycle workbench. This is an LCD clock that is designed so it can sit on a shelf, though it's called a "keychain watch".
smartwatch $10.84 I used to be crazy for smart watches, before they existed. Now I don't want to have anything to do with them. I have had a passing interest in a all-day heartrate monitor but exfiltrating data from them seems to be a real pain in the butt. But now I finally have an interest in real-time heartrate monitor, so I'm buying this. It claims to also measure blood pressure, O2 concentration, and breathing?
usbcharger $5.99 Trying to tidy up the mess of chargers in the livingroom. This has 3x USB-A and 3x USB-C. Supposedly the USB-C is "PD 20W", which sounds promising. Hopefully since I'm a "charge it overnight" guy, I won't mind that it doesn't support VOOC Lightning Flash Super TM charge.
usbccables 1 meter $1.69, 3 meter $2.54. Would you believe when I looked through my USB cable pile, I don't yet have a single C-to-C table?
It is a little disappointing.
miniclock Exactly as I imagined -- a little LCD digital clock that sits on a shelf. Great! Just a question of how long the battery lasts I guess.
smartwatch This one is a bust. I mean, its hardware is so impressive, especially for the price. Incredible display, working touchscreen, very light, easy enough to charge. And it's actually pretty comfortable to wear (the stretchy plastic band holds it snugly against my wrist without being too tight, though it does create a lot of sweat). The software is responsive and intuitive enough, though obviously it's also kind of garbage. But I just wanted a fitness tracker, and it's a failure at that.
At rest, the heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, and blood sugar all showed vaguely plausible results, though I strongly suspect heart rate is the only one it has any basis for. So I asked it for my heart rate right after I pounded up the hill and it said 72 (probably half of the real figure). And watching the apparent pulse flasher, you can see it's syncopated in a way my heart is not, even when I'm still and press it hard onto my wrist. And on top of that, there's no continuous display mode, and apparently no continuous monitoring mode with history either. So if I want to play games with pacing to try to match a specific heartrate, I would constantly have to be interacting with the watch. I can't just passively glance at it every now and then. I will play with it some more, maybe shave my wrist, but I think this is more or less the struggle I expected which made me avoid buying a fitness tracker until now. It's very hard to collect reliable metrics from a living body, and maybe this attempt is "impressive" but to me it reminds me of all the struggles I face when I build bespoke monitoring. It's not there yet, IMO.
... I found and removed the clear tape over the heartrate sensor window. No improvement. So I shave my wrist. No improvement. Tried it on the inside of my wrist. No improvement. I want to say it doesn't measure anything at all, but it actually reliably shows 50-70bpm when my heartrate is elevated, and 80-100 when i'm resting. So it's measuring *something*. Something wrong. Looking at its flashing light pattern, there's really no way it could work at this low sampling rate. Maybe it's a dud but I kind of doubt the whole premise. I'm inclined to believe this method of monitoring is fundamentally incompatible with my physiology? Maybe people with more translucent skin?
The funny thing is, I can clearly feel my pulse pushing against the watchband. A sensitive pressure transducer (piezo) could do this task well.
usbcharger This is also closer to the "garbage" category that I expected to find more of when I started this Temu adventure. It's usable but the first USB-A port I tried simply did not work. I played with it and found that the other two USB-A ports do work?? Presumably just a minor fault in the construction which was not detected by QC. It might even be easily solved with a bodge wire or something (not that I want to take it apart). I will try to continue using it, because I only "need" two USB-A ports, and anyways the other chargers it is replacing are basically garbage too.
usbccables I am using one of them and it works fine. I mean, it's basically the same cable you can buy at the grocery store, just for a fraction of the price.
bikelight. I have been using this exclusively for a month and it has not required a recharge! Not a huge amount of usage (sunset keeps moving later every day), but it seems like it's been well over an hour of ON-time. The battery life seems to be about as good as the expensive light was when it was new, and much better than it is today. I'm pleased. The 3D printed bracket holds it in place well, too -- better than the expensive light's rubber band. It's on my winter bike, which I just swapped out, so I won't use it again until October I guess.
watch. I set it and forgot it, and it keeps time still. So there is some problem with the set advances a minute or so when you shove it in now (so it is hard to set), and when I'm wearing it somehow it turns off the watch (puts it in set-time mode). I don't know what to make of that but it seems to be unusable as a watch.
tablet. This tablet is great! It had disappointing battery life (only about 90 minutes of Minecraft), but I showed my kid how to set it to not-brightest-backlight and it gets much better battery life and it's not really any dimmer. It is much better than the Samsung tablet it replaces, even when the Samsung was new.
melodica. I love it! The mouthpiece flavor was a bad problem. I washed it with soap -- no good. So I soaked it in vinegar for a day, and then in water for another day, and it still had a little flavor, but a week later it became flavorless. But I do notice an unpleasant smell if I accidentally inhale through it. *shrug*
blanket. I sleep with it every night. It's fine. It's not quite as flimsy (flexible) as the blanket it replaces, is my only complaint. I think it's structured as a sandwich of maybe half a dozen layers (i.e., the filling is layers, not 'polyester fill'), which inherently gives it a shape I guess.
cards. I have played with these a few more times. All my original complaints hold, but I was able to use mindfulness to overcome their limitations. I played several games without hurting my fingers, and shuffled several times without sending them flying. It is kind of meditative I guess to put my mind to touching them just-right? They are already super scratched up though. Not sure if they'll ever become unusable but they certainly are aging.
miniclock. I found a quirk. It has buttons, I'll call them A/B. You press A and then increment the month with B, then A again and now you're setting day-of-month, you get the idea. Well, after you set the minutes and you're done setting it, you press A one more time and now it's not in "run" mode, but rather there is one more setting. If you press A again at this point, then it oscillates between time and date obnoxiously. If you press B, it just shows the time (what I want). But if you press neither, it sits there forever without incrementing the time.
smartwatch. Played with this a bit more and verified that absolutely none of its metrics -- except possibly steps -- make any sense at all. And the software is awful and would be a serious frustration even if it worked, but given that it doesn't work, the software completely obscures the failure mode as well.
microsd. I have been skeptical of this, because every time I mount it, it says in dmesg:
sda: p1 size 30952416 extends beyond EOD, enabling native capacity
And today it says:
I/O error, dev sda, sector 19200 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x84700 phys_seg 30 prio class 0
Surprising no one. It doesn't even get 10MB into it before it fails. Anyways, I was about to throw it away when I decided to try reading it in the microSD slot on my laptop, instead of using USB connected to the cheap camera that it was purchased for. And it works now! So there is some flaw in the camera itself (which is unbranded non-Temu garbage). Not sure if its microSD connector or controller is failing, or if it's only a USB problem. But isn't that a pleasant surprise?
Temu is starting to advertise "local warehouse" for various items, and separate vendors, and separate shipping fees. I simply don't like openly federated e-shopping, like Amazon or Newegg or a zillion others. And they finally 'sold out' of something while it was in my shopping cart, which seems extra stupid when they have the same product at the same price in a separate listing.
On top of that, I've gone from being amused that the 'smart watch fitness tracker' is the first fake product (product that doesn't work at all) that I've bought to frustrated that there is probably no way to buy a heart rate monitor on there. (though I just did a little research and it seem like the whole field of heart rate monitoring is pretty sketchy anyways -- looks like you chose between wrist mounted unreliable if you're moving and chest mounted but you have to use a separate display solution)
So perhaps the idiotic novelty of it is wearing off but nonetheless...once more into the breach.
top $6.49. A small steel spinning top. They really want me to understand that it is ony 1.14" diameter. I remember seeing advertisements for luxury metal tops and I wanted one but would not pay zillions of dollars for one. Temu ftw.
masonryblade $8.53. It's a 12" masonry blade for a sawzall. I had no idea such a thing existed but Temu showed it to me.
dbmeter $14.98. dB meter. I'm (obviously) gonna measure the traffic noise in front of my house and whine to city council about it.
whistle $0.98. A regular metal whistle, like for referees.
syringes $1.49. 5x 5mL plastic syringe (no needle). No plan in mind, there's just lots of fiddly tasks they can be handy for.
flushsaw $3.94. "Japanese" double-sided flush cut hand saw. A flexible blade for cutting something off of a face.
eyemassager $27.49. Heated eye massager. These have been hyped as a migraine cure and anyways I'm willing to try it.
powerbank $19.11. 30Ah. USB out. With a flashlight built-in! You wouldn't believe it but I've been thinking about using phone cameras to record traffic, and this should enable longer studies.
One of the products came from "local warehouse". Since I simultaneously got signed up for spam from aliexpress, I suspect that means "drop shipped by aliexpress." I'm not enthused. But it means I got this one much sooner.
eyemassager. It charges by USB-C. It has this great pun on the instruction manual: "your private eye massage specialist". It is easy to figure out the controls, but it is important to long-hold the volume button each time to turn off the music. It is chatty, the UI is button presses lead to voice responses. The massage function is a set of bags that inflate sequentially, one pair over my eyes and the other over my temples. The heat is focused in the center. It is very pleasant and I think it will make me sleep. Its rhythm a kind of mantra focal point. It says run time is 15 minutes so I guess it's okay to fall asleep with it on.
top turned out to be awesome! It spins for well over a minute, with regular human throws. When it gets into its thing, it is so perfectly centered that it appears like it stands still.
Looking back, a lot of things are fine and I use them daily. Particularly I would like to call out melodica as one of my favorites! But these items turned out to be crap:
watch is no good. It stopped keeping time after a couple weeks, and it turns out the fault happens even if it sits undisturbed.
smartwatch is no good. Almost every single feature is fake or broken or both.
miniclock is no good. It gains 2-3 seconds per day, more than a minute per month. It's always fast. It's as bad as the clock on the microwave in my kitchen but a lot harder to re-set the correct time on. OTOH, it still works and I leave it on the workbench and glance at it occasionally, just knowing that it's fast.
bikelight is no good. It appears that the microusb connector has already started to crumble? I can still charge it but I don't expect that to last. I did order more similar bike lights though.
tablet is dubious. It is actually pretty good -- it's the only 4GB RAM Android tablet I've ever used and thus the best by far -- but sometimes it crashes and has to go several iterations through a boot loop before it will come back. As long as it comes back, it is only a minor nuissance, but it gives the impression of the kind of fault that will progress.
Order #7 was the fastest yet -- I placed it on Oct 20, and it arrived Oct 28!
mute $19.88. It's an aluminum 'wah wah' (Harmon) mute for trumpet. It makes the characteristic sound, and the slide component works. I remember last time I played with a Harmon mute (probably 1993), I was mildly disappointed, and I had exactly the same feeling this time. But if you really blast into it then it's a neat sound.
penlight $3.83. My general purpose flashlight failed -- a combination of its plastic clips coming apart (why??) and alkaline batteries corroding its contacts made me give up on it. So I got this one. It doesn't weigh anything, it recharges by micro USB, and it is plenty bright. But it focuses the light into a cone which is generally nice but actually made me realize I liked the way the old one kind of broadcast light sideways in all directions. I also miss that the old one had a magnet in it. I can tell already the death of this penlight is that I always hold it in my mouth, so I'm always slobbering into its USB connector. Also the switch is cheap, but I suspect it will last.
I found that you can type "flashlight magnet" into the search bar and it shows what I probably should have bought. Live and learn.
bikelight2 $5.94. This is a pair of red and white micro USB rechargable bike lights, and I got two pairs of them. They're a reasonable brightness, and they mount to the bike well too. I'm optimistic.
vuvuzuela $3.90. "2 Pack Collapsible Megaphones, Large Size". They're 3-piece telescoping plastic, and you can trumpet-toot into them to make a pretty satisfying horn sound. They also come with a little mouthpiece that buzzes if you blow into it, which makes a terrible sound like a semi truck's air horn. Meets expectations! I wish I could have bought just one.
rope $14.89. 100m x 4mm nylon rope. It's got inner and outer layers like paracord. I wanted about 200ft for a project, without any particular strength this was the sensible way to get that I think. The ropes at the hardware store are probably much better (???) but the cost for 200ft is significant.
valve oil $3.59. 1oz trumpet valve oil. The local store (Melody Music) does not have trumpet valve oil! wtf! This price isn't even a great price -- before all the music stores closed, it was always around $4 for 2oz. It seems to work. I don't know how to evaluate oil.
And a review of thermal paste I got a while ago. I finally used it, and it works. My CPU tops out at 43.5C, which is very similar to the 'before' with factory paste. The syringe is very convenient for mess-free application, and there's obviously enough here for dozens of CPU swaps.
This order got split up into 3 shipments. The keyboard was fulfilled by Amazon and came after only a couple days. It was over-packed just like everything else Amazon, with a redundant oversized box. Kind of a bummer. The next shipment had all of the small objects and I guess shipped air mail from China, took 9 days. And there is a third shipment still waiting, apparently going by sea from China, expected either next week or at the end of January.
btkeyboard $12.11. "Meetion K210". It's replacing a logitech K380, which I actually loved great but Logitech's inexplicable love for AAA batteries has been a source of frustration for all of the 7 years I've had it. The new one has a built-in lithium battery. I'm happy with it. It feels fine to type on. Only downside is it has Fn+QWER for selecting which device to pair with, which is fine but it isn't where the lights are so it's a bit of a head scratcher at first. And I'm not 100% certain what it does but you just press the one you want a couple times and it always works.
hdmiusb $5.35. An HDMI to USB capture device. Plug it into my laptop, and then I can use the laptop as if it was a TV or monitor. I've wanted one of these for so long. I tested it and it works effortlessly with Linux (it shows up as a v4l /dev/videoX capture device). There is significant lag, but I'm not sure if that's the device or the way I was playing it, and anyways it doesn't matter for my kind of usage. (truthfully, I may not use it much at all, but I wanted it for so long)
flipo $2.94. A solid steel rounded-square fidget which I think is a knock off of a kickstarter "flipo flip". It had negative reviews saying it doesn't flip like in the video. It does, but it's hard to use. So it's a skill quest in addition to a fidget.
magnetlight $4.56. "Smiling Shark". This is a sideways-broadcasting light with a magnetic clasp and a built-in rechargeable battery. USB-C charger. The magnet holds it securely, and it's super bright, and the button feels durable. Exactly what I wanted! Only complaint is you have to cover up the USB-C charger to get the magnet at the angle I want it.
airfittings $3.60. 1/4" threaded air hose connector to a smaller barb, for attaching the air chuck to my pump's hose. These seem to fit, but I haven't tested to find out if it's possible to get the threads to be effectively air-tight. There's no spot for an O-ring, unfortunately. Big downside is I had to buy 3 of them.
airchuck $2.88. Schrader valve chuck. It seems like a pretty decent design. The status quo is a Lezyne chuck that is hard to use but works every time. This definitely will be easier to use but I'm not sure if it will be universal enough for me to switch over? I'll write more if I ever use it.
reed1 $2.78. "Premium Tenor Saxophone Resin Reed, Strength 2.5". No brand. Red. Comes in a two pack. These are obviously of a very low quality. Just on visual inspection, you can see they have a little leftover material along the mold seam that needs to be cleaned off. They seem like the kind of plastic that plastic folder / binder dividers are made of. The cut seems wrong, they are generally actually very thick up until very near the tip, and then they taper down quickly to an extremely thin edge. They are very hard to play, and make a quiet noise, but actually the sound is alright, and they *are* playable.
reed2 $2.42. "RD77 Lade Tenor Saxophone 2.5 Resin Reed". Clear. Just one. Superficially, this appears to be similar plastic to the other ones, but they at least cleaned up the mold marks. The cut makes more sense to me too, though at the tip it comes to maybe an excessive thinness. Anyways, it plays very easily, the easiest of any reed I've used so far. It makes a good sound. The only thing I don't like about it is that it has a harsh edge that is always threatening to come out, which sounds honestly like clipping, as though the tip is slamming all the way into the mouthpiece.
I am using these reeds in my Xaphoon, which I love. I know next to nothing about reeds or Xaphoons. I have to use synthetic reeds because I play it for 5 minutes at a time, maybe half a dozen sessions a day.
I have been playing a Legere "2", which I love but it cost $45! It can make a range of sound from sweet to honky, and it is very easy to play, but you have to be careful not to overblow or it can even flex against the mouthpiece and just seal entirely. I also just got a "Bari" brand synthetic reed "M 2.5-3" for "only" $25. It is much harder to play. My embouchre simply isn't strong enough yet for a reed this heavy, but I'm getting better every day. I also think the Bari reed accentuates the Xaphoon's weakness at the low end of the scale (especially F#, D, and C). And the Bari reed makes a range of sounds from honky to growly.
The Lade reed is as easy to play as the Legere, and makes the full range of sounds from sweet through honky to growly! There is a weakness to its sound that I can't quite put my finger on, which I think I will grow to resent if it becomes a hard limit for me. It is so easy to play that it feels like I've already climbed to the top of the hill of as good as I can get at it! ??? But all of the reeds are trade-offs, and this one is great.
The most obvious difference between the cheap and expensive reeds is that the expensive ones have a matte finish, while the cheap ones are a smooth gloss. I assume that's a post-processing step after they come out of the mold? I prefer the matte finish on first impression but I think as I slide my lip around it to actually play it (like to hit the high F), the glossy might actually be superior.
Anyways, I consider these cheap reeds to be awesome. Even the unbranded ones that are hard to play are an interesting sensual space to explore. And they definitely encourage me to boldly carve upon them -- the expensive reeds advertise that they can be carved, but these demand it. Hopefully, I will learn something. Anyways, better or worse, I no longer feel hostage to Legere, and that is simply a relief. I'm careless enough I expect to destroy these, and there's no way I want to buy a series of $45 reeds!
After some more experience playing the Xaphoon with a wider variety of harder / softer / resin / cane reeds, I have a little more to say about the "reed2" Lade RD77.
The bad thing about it is that it always has a kazooey kind of sound, like the buzzing of a thin sheet of cellophane or waxed paper. I mostly play in two broad classes of sounds, either a pure/sweet flutey sound or a buzzy saxophony sound. When I'm doing the buzzy sound, the kazoo aspect just simply is the sound. But when I'm trying to play pure, no matter how controlled I am, the edges of notes and phrases showcase that kazoo sound and it is off-putting to listen to.
In other words, the reed kind of sounds bad compared to other reeds. It emphasizes the viscerally unpleasant aspect of this instrument.
The other half of the story, though, is that it's so easy to play! It plays alright in the few notes between high C and high F. It plays a little bit in the higher register (G and up). It plays alright when it's covered in spit. It plays alright in the low notes. The F# and G# that are almost intolerable with heavier reeds just barely sound a little dead with this RD77 reed. Bending is easy, and keeping good intonation is easy too. It can growl. It can play quietly (as well as any other reed, anyways). It's just about a perfectly expressive reed.
So it's a lot of fun to play it just sounds kind of awful. It's hard to say that the reed that cost almost 20x as much is "better"...the more expensive reeds arguably have better sound in some ways, but they each have their own trade offs in terms of playability. So this one isn't exactly my favorite reed but if it was the only reed I had, it would be enough. And I love that it's so easy to clean, and it doesn't make me cringe when I do something stupid and harmful to it.
I still haven't made any headway with the "reed1" reeds. One plays much better than the other one but they're both simply hard to play. I have been meaning to go at it with like 400 grit sandpaper but I haven't gotten around to it, because I have so many other perfectly playable reeds.
The last item finally came. It went by boat, and took more than a month! And came with Temu's normal minimal packaging.
stool $10.76. This is just a regular step stool that folds flat. It is stiffer to fold and unfold than the old one, but I think the old one was stiff when it was new too? It's fine and looks almost exactly the same as the old one, but is a couple inches taller.
tip cleaner $1.99. This is a paste that you dip your soldering iron tip into and it will tin it even if it has become oxidized. It is much smaller than I thought it would be, the tin is less than an inch in diameter. But I have a giant block of sal ammoniac that has apparently become worthless after sitting in my humid basement for a decade, so I guess the small quantity is really a blessing. I will probably only use it once a year or so, so this should last me several years even so. I will report here whether it works, because my tip is in bad shape today!
minivise $6.52. Years ago, before temu, I got a mini vise for my drill press, but I didn't think about the dimensions properly and the product I got was much too large. So I have been eyeballing these mini vises on temu for a while, but I didn't buy them because they were all plastic?? But this one specifically says "aluminum" and it sure seems like aluminum. It is just the right size. The screw holes won't mesh in any useful way with the slots on my drill's platform, but I think I'll be able to anchor it with a C-clamp. It will be nice not to be putting my fingers right next to the bit so often!
oscillating blades $7.71. 10x oscillating tool blades (8 wood, 2 metal). They look right. I keep putting off my project that needs these, but they are so expensive here that I just figured it would be nice to stock up even if they don't last well.
reamer $2.75. Tapered reamer 3-13mm (half inch). It was recently explained to me that a reamer is good for holes in steel, so I got this...not sure when I might use it. The quality is perceptibly low -- it is obviously the result of careless hand-machining.
waterproof cycling gloves $2.95. I have some mental defect that prevents me from buying right-sized gloves in person, so why not order them blindly online? I got the "L" size for my very normal hands, and judging by the length of the finger / thumb holes, I think they are slightly too small for me. But they are comfortable and unrestrictive once I get them on. They are typical thin winter gloves, comparable to the ones that I consider "alright for 30F-50F". I am optimistic.
trumpet case $6.48. I wanted a soft trumpet case so my kid could bring his trumpet home more easily than carrying the heavy wooden case. It fits my trumpet, and it has an extra pocket for the mouth piece and valve oil. It is a little bit padded but really it doesn't offer much more protection than just throwing it in my backpack, but it wouldn't fit in his backpack so this is a win I think.
nylon wallet $3.88. It's just a typical cheap trifold wallet. It has not one but two pointless zipper coin pouches, which is the feature that repeatedly discouraged me from buying a nylon wallet IRL. But I resigned myself to it, and the price is right. I got it for my 12yo, and it's very similar to the wallet I started with at about that age. So at least he won't wear his backpack just to bring his library card (which he only uses to sign onto videogames at the library, anyways).
I decided to replace my 20 year old USB hub and extension cable due to too-frequent glitches, so I had to contrive an order together:
prism $2.86. A 1" triangle glass prism. I don't have one of these.
chopsticks $3.82. A 10 pack (5 pairs? 10 pairs?) of "Japanese-style" tapered wood chopsticks. Wife doesn't like the stainless ones I got most recently. In my experience the wooden ones survive several years in the dishwasher so I'm hoping for that experience again.
zirconium $1.20. A 10mm (!) round zirconium "faux gemstone". A novelty for 11yo.
bird whistles $3.01. A 3-pack (sigh) of a funny kind of bird whistle. It looks like a half-circle flap of flexible plastic that you put on your tongue and then make funny noises and they come out bird-like.
usb cable $3.38. 10ft USB-A extension cable (male to female). Says it's USB 2.0.
usb hub $3.00. A 4 port "USB 3.0" hub (A to A).
fake lego car $13.61. It looks like a Lamborghini. It's not lego, it's "building block". 1280 pieces. 11yo wanted a kit vaguely like this one from lego but the price difference is huge and we are not "the serious collector."
There's a side story about Temu changing. It used to be that if you searched for "lego", you'd get knockoffs. But now if you search for "lego", you get Lego-branded items at Lego-branded prices, and you have to search for "block" to find the knockoffs. I don't like it. I feel like Temu has by now attracted the full ecosystem of vendors that show up on federated eshopping like Amazon and eBay and and and Newegg. So they have a number of USA sellers who ship from USA at USA prices with USA shipping practices. I like that not everyone pretends to that ideal, but I feel like having any representatives of that market on Temu is a downside and incentivizes the rest of it.
In other words, Temu is losing distinctiveness. Oh well. I told you it was ill-fated.
In other news, I really wanted a Temu laptop but they are real cagey about battery sizes and some of them use 2016 Intel Celerons. They mostly seem to use better screens and absurdly large numbers of gigabytes compared to similar laptops in the Asus/Lenovo sort of market. I don't mind the speed but I feel like in the late 2010s there was a huge step up in power efficiency. And I would like a better screen but I have no interest in absurd numbers of gigabytes -- 2GB RAM + 64GB SSD is fine by me.
This came pretty fast for international post!
prism $2.86. It makes a little rainbow, which looks best when projected onto something about 2ft away from the prism. It made my kid ask me a question which could only be answered by explaining refraction to him. Win!
chopsticks $3.82. They seem perfect. Just a question of how quickly we destroy them.
zirconium $1.20. I don't know how to evaluate this. It's opaque when backlit which I think is the sign of its high refractive index. It sparkles, but not in any particularly magical way. It's huge by diamond standards and has the kind of cut I'd expect from a diamond solitaire ring - "brilliant". Are diamonds prettier? It hurt my eyes when I started at it with the sun behind me.
bird whistles $3.01. These are super flimsy, obviously only going to get a couple uses out of each of them. I haven't mastered it but on the first try I was able to get a few weird chirps. The sound is apparently made from funneling air along the top of your tongue, under the toy, and then it is forced between your tongue and a little saran wrap-esque reed at the tip of it, which I seem to be able to do best by having it fixed against the roof of my mouth, with my tongue making intermittent contact with its bottom.
usb cable $3.38, usb hub $3.00. Perfect replacement for the 20 year old pair that had started to intermittent-disconnect. It works and I expect I'll never think about it again.
fake lego car $13.61. Certainly an impressively large amount of "building blocks" for the price!
I placed another order right away because I'm having a bit of a bedding crisis. It's a long story but the opportunity to try a couple options cheaply as a side story to the quest was too much for me to pass up. Anyways, they arrived now
Both of these shipped from separate Amazon warehouses in the US. Which makes sense from a logistics perspective because they're so bulky. But it's a mystery to me because similar products are on Amazon for twice the price! I don't understand all the B2B relationships / federation sort of crap that makes this possible. Maybe it isn't possible.
cot $37.36. This is similar to a Coleman Trailhead II cot, and I guess it's not that much cheaper than it either. It's replacing a Coleman Eureka cot that I slept on until it sretched/sagged so much that the fabric doesn't keep me above its bars. It advertised "600D Oxford" fabric, which is supposed to be a heavyweight polyester. The Eureka is advertised also as "600D polyester". I want the same fabric as the Eureka, because even though it eventually stretched-to-failure, until then, it was the perfect stretchiness that was comfortable for me.
The cot is, like any folding cot, awkward to set up. But after a little puzzling, I was successful. I expect it will be like the other cot and become easy once I am used to it. The fabric is a little bit of a disappointment. It reminds me of the woven fabric on some of my wife's tote bags, but much thicker. It's less flexible than I was expecting. And it doesn't seem to be stretchy at all. Sleeping on it feels much more like sleeping on the 15oz cotton duck canvas that I used in a bespoke cot I made (and which I am dissatisfied with).
So personally as an experiment it seems like a failure. It's possible, in fact, that my body has changed and I will never sleep comfortably again. A more desirable result for me would have been if it was garbage that fell apart after a week, but confirmed that the cheapest "600D Oxford" fabric has the properties I desire. As it is, it gives the impression actually of being fine and durable, but it doesn't answer any of my questions about what kind of fabric I should get, or what kind of bed will serve me.
The only concrete flaw I find with it is that it is a little bit loud (but not absurdly so) when you get in it as the polyester fabric re-tensions against the metal frame.
futon mattress $38.15. This is a twin 80x39" futon mattress. It's pretty thin, and the fluff on the inside is absolutely insubstantial. There's no way you could possibly sleep on the floor with this mattress. But it might be just the thing to put on top of that cot.
But here's the thing, it's got a weird ridge down the middle. It was folded longwise before being rolled up to put in the box, and along that fold line, it is like there is a rope inside of it. It is really bizarre and I have a hard time understanding how it happened. I wonder if the polyester fill was still hot when it was folded, and adhered into a rope instead of fuzz?? I almost want to cut it up just to see what the structure is on the inside. It is very hard to get a good feeling for what it actually *is*.
Anyways when I put it on the floor, it was too soft for the floor (I sank right through it), and I felt the rope down the middle. But when I put it on top of the cot, I don't feel the rope at all! It's still too soft, it gives me back pain, but the rope isn't a problem.
I tried an experiment of stacking different kinds of thin futon mattresses and that actually seems alright so maybe it's a W after all.